Doubts on running and bodybuilding

There is a lot of disagreement about the compatibility of power and aerobic loads during training. There are athletes who are of the opinion that doing cardio training without permanent strength workouts is simply impossible. This theory has many opponents who believe that sports without cardio cease to be complete. To dispel doubts about the inclusion of running in the workout program of a bodybuilder, it is necessary to analyze the consequences of cardio load on the muscle-growing process.

Strength workouts, aimed solely at maintaining good physical shape, and not at performing in various bodybuilding competitions, must be supplemented by cardio. Many owners of impressive weight, pumped up and sculpted muscles visit the gym for the sole purpose of looking good with a beautiful body. Pumping muscles only at an amateur, and not at a professional level, you should definitely run to be more resilient and fit, because thanks to cardio, excess subcutaneous fat disappears.

The effect of cardio on muscle gain

According to recent research, running can increase testosterone levels by about 30%. Not directly, but through increased testosterone levels, muscular mass, strength, and breadth can be built with running.

Also, high testosterone results in:

  • Increase in masculinity. The pain threshold increases, due to which the athlete can perform more repetitions in a strength workout.
  • Increased energy. The ability to increase loads in the strength part of the workout.
  • Reduced fatigue. Due to the high level of testosterone, a man reaches limits that he could not dream of before.
  • Improvement in appearance. The face and figure take on a masculine appearance.
  • More success in all areas of life. Starting from work and hobbies, ending with communication with friends and boss.
  • Increased libido. A 30-year-old man can do much more through training than an 18-year-old youth. What is not the motivation to start training?

How to do cardio while gaining muscle mass?

Experienced athletes recommend long runs at a slow pace to enhance endurance and improve the condition of the heart. You need to run for at least 40 minutes. The pace must be kept slow. Otherwise, there is every chance to start losing mass. Sprints for short distances at maximum speed are practiced by only a few athletes, most of whom are not engaged in bodybuilding at a professional level.

Athletes involved in strength sports often neglect aerobic exercise, which negatively affects heart health. Avoiding adverse effects allows high-quality cardio training, carried out at least once or twice a week to increase endurance and promote health.

Running with weights tones muscles and increases muscle mass with proper training. This is the best option for people of age who can not withstand heavy strength training. Running with weights helps busy men and women who don’t have the time or money to go to a fitness club.